release management

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Release management is the process of planning, scheduling, and controlling the build, testing, and deployment of software releases. It ensures that software is reliably released into production, minimizing risks and maximizing efficiency by coordinating the various stages and teams involved in the release process.


Below is an overview of content that matches the tag "release management".

Note that this list is not exhaustive, as it is automatically aggregated based on manually assigned categorizations.
If you notice a missing element, or think some of the items are wrongfully categorized, please create a bug/improvement ticket on our github issue tracker.

An overview of all tags used in this publication can be found in our tag list: go to overview

Patterns: release management

problem:You are experiencing difficulty in keeping track of which changes have been made to your project.

description:Maintaining a Changelog in your project’s codebase ensures clear documentation of significant changes, enhancing traceability, collaboration, and efficient release management.