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Patterns: relationships

Listening to Understand

Listening to Understand

The LARS Technique for Improved Conversations

problem:You have difficulties connecting with others, and find yourself disengaged during conversations.

description:Shift from responding to truly comprehending what the other person is saying, leading to more meaningful interactions.

Resources: relationships

How to Be Accountable

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cover image for 'How to Be Accountable'
bibliographical reference:
Harper, F. G.; Biel, J. (2020) How to Be Accountable. Blackstone Publishing. isbn: 978-1665036573.

Accountability is an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for and to repair the harm caused by one’s actions. In “How to Be Accountable,” authors Harper and Biel explore the concept of accountability and its significance in personal and professional settings. The book provides practical advice on how to cultivate accountability, emphasizing the importance of integrity, honesty, and transparency.

complexity categories: novice