

Below is an overview of content that matches the tag "evaluation".

Note that this list is not exhaustive, as it is automatically aggregated based on manually assigned categorizations.
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Patterns tagged with "evaluation"

Build your knowledge portfolio

Build your knowledge portfolio

Take stock, Evaluate, and Invest wisely.

problem:Knowledge workers often struggle to effectively allocate their learning efforts, leading to underutilised skills, outdated knowledge, and missed opportunities for growth.

description:Apply a structured approach for regularly assessing and balancing personal knowledge portfolios, enabling informed decisions on where to invest time and effort for maximum growth.

Value-based Impact Analysis

Value-based Impact Analysis

an AMMERSE-based Impact Analysis Algorithm

problem:You want to ensure balanced and well-informed decision-making that aligns with desired (organizational) core values.

description:Apply an AMMERSE-based analysis to evaluate the likely impact of decisions, practices, and techniques on the system under change.