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Books tagged with "corporate"

cover image for 'The Pragmatic Programmer, 20th Anniversary Edition'
bibliographical reference:
Thomas, D.; Hunt, A. (2019) The Pragmatic Programmer, 20th Anniversary Edition. Addison-Wesley Professional. isbn: 978-0135957059.

Widely regarded as one of the finest books on software development, ‘The Pragmatic Programmer’ by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas offers invaluable insights into their approach to software development. Presented in a highly practical, down-to-earth, and conversational style, this revised classic is a must-read for anyone involved in software development.

The book covers a wide range of topics, from coding techniques and project management to software architecture and best practices. It provides actionable advice and timeless wisdom that empowers developers to write elegant, maintainable code and become more effective in their work (as well as maintain their sanity while doing so).

complexity categories: intermediate mixed

New Programmer's Survival Manual

Navigate Your Workplace, Cube Farm, or Startup

cover image for 'New Programmer's Survival Manual'
bibliographical reference:
Carter, J. (2011) New Programmer's Survival Manual. The Pragmatic Bookshelf. isbn: 978-1934356814.

In “New Programmer’s Survival Manual,” the author addresses critical questions in the software development field: How can you effectively steer your career in this dynamic industry? And how can you ensure you’re recognized and not overlooked for promotions, especially when you possess substantial technical expertise? Carter offers insights into the often-overlooked non-technical aspects of corporate culture. The book provides valuable guidance on seizing control of your career trajectory, equipping readers with tools to thrive and advance in the software development world.

content categories: career corporate
complexity categories: novice
cover image for 'Practices of an Agile Developer'
bibliographical reference:
Subramaniam, V.; Hunt, A. (2006) Practices of an Agile Developer. Pragmatic Bookshelf. isbn: 978-0974514086.

In “Practices of an Agile Developer,” authors Dr. Venkat Subramaniam and Mr. Andy Hunt offer readers a unique perspective on Agile development. Unlike many other books on the subject, this book delves into the complexities of working within a corporate environment. Drawing from their personal experiences, Subramaniam and Hunt provide a series of candid, and at times, challenging pieces of advice.

Through their insights, readers gain a deeper understanding of the Agile mindset and are inspired to excel within the constraints of their circumstances. This book not only offers valuable practical advice but also encourages individuals to strive for excellence in the ever-evolving world of software development.

content categories: productivity corporate
complexity categories: intermediate niche

The Secrets of Consulting

A Guide to Giving and Getting Advice Successfully

cover image for 'The Secrets of Consulting'
bibliographical reference:
Weinberg, G. M. (1985) The Secrets of Consulting. Dorset House Publishing. isbn: 0932633013.

Stories from the life of a consultant, with detailed descriptions of how the author came to be a consultant, and practical tips on giving advice that is (perceived as) highly valuable. Includes such gems as: “whatever your client is doing, suggest they do the opposite”, and “be sure to ask for a high fee, so you are taken more seriously”.

complexity categories: advanced niche

Behind Closed Doors

Secrets of Great Management

cover image for 'Behind Closed Doors'
bibliographical reference:
Rothman, J. & Derby, E. (2005) Behind Closed Doors. The Pragmatic Bookshelf. isbn: 978-0976694021.

The story of an experienced manager, brought into a company to save it. The reader follows along as “Sam” journeys through the corporate landscape, and has conversations with his direct reports. Rothman manages to convey important good management practices in an elegant, and easily diggestible way.

complexity categories: intermediate
cover image for 'The Five Dysfunctions of a Team'
bibliographical reference:
Lencioni, P. (2009) The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Winsome Book India. isbn: 978-8126522743.

You will find a plethora of books on how to build succesful teams, but you will not find many that explain what factors can break a team. By focussing on the dark side of team dynamics, Lencioni informs us of what to look out for when working with others. He explains how a lack of trust between individuals eventually cascades into a lack of overall results. A must-read book for team leaders and team members alike.

complexity categories: intermediate

The Mythical Man-Month

Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition

cover image for 'The Mythical Man-Month'
bibliographical reference:
Brooks, F. P. Jr. (1995) The Mythical Man-Month. Addison-Wesley Professional. isbn: 978-0201835953.

Brooks blends facts and stories together in a though-provoking selection of essays. While the author mostly talks about software projects, the lessons and frustrations apply to anyone who has had the dubious pleasure of leading a team. The book challenges readers to think about the sense and non-sense of generally held maxims, and strives to re-introduce some common-sense to project management. A prime example of this, is the saying: “hiring nine women will not get you a baby in one month”.

complexity categories: intermediate reference


How to Offer, Give, and Receive Help

cover image for 'Helping'
bibliographical reference:
Schein, E. H. (2011) Helping. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. isbn: 978-1605098562.
complexity categories: beginner reference