continuous improvement


Continuous improvement is an ongoing effort to enhance products, services, or processes by making small, incremental changes over time. It is a fundamental concept in quality management methodologies like Lean and Kaizen, aiming to boost efficiency and reduce waste.


Below is an overview of content that matches the tag "continuous improvement".

Note that this list is not exhaustive, as it is automatically aggregated based on manually assigned categorizations.
If you notice a missing element, or think some of the items are wrongfully categorized, please create a bug/improvement ticket on our github issue tracker.

An overview of all tags used in this publication can be found in our tag list: go to overview

Patterns tagged with "continuous improvement"

10 Minute Tasks

10 Minute Tasks

Reclaiming wasted moments

problem:There are not enough hours in a day, you have many small tasks that you never get around to doing.

description:Reclaim otherwise wasted moments by using them to complete small, useful tasks.

Shu Ha Ri

Shu Ha Ri

Imitation. Understanding. Emulsion.

description:a Japanese martial arts concept that outlines the progression of learning from strict adherence to innovation and ultimately, mastery.

Other Resources tagged with "continuous improvement"


The GROWS method


The GROWS Method® website details a framework for improving software development by blending practical habits with adaptive thinking. Created by Andy Hunt, a co-author of "The Manifesto for Agile Software Development," GROWS emphasizes iterative learning, psychological safety, and continuous improvement to help teams navigate the complexities of modern software projects. This approach is particularly beneficial for knowledge workers seeking to enhance collaboration and adaptability in a constantly changing environment.

by: Hunt, A.