

Below is an overview of content that matches the tag "career".

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Books tagged with "career"

New Programmer's Survival Manual: Navigate Your Workplace, Cube Farm, or Startup

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cover image for 'New Programmer's Survival Manual: Navigate Your Workplace, Cube Farm, or Startup'
bibliographical reference:
Carter, J. (2011) New Programmer's Survival Manual: Navigate Your Workplace, Cube Farm, or Startup. The Pragmatic Bookshelf. isbn: 978-1934356814.

In “New Programmer’s Survival Manual,” the author addresses critical questions in the software development field: How can you effectively steer your career in this dynamic industry? And how can you ensure you’re recognized and not overlooked for promotions, especially when you possess substantial technical expertise? Carter offers insights into the often-overlooked non-technical aspects of corporate culture. The book provides valuable guidance on seizing control of your career trajectory, equipping readers with tools to thrive and advance in the software development world.

content categories: career corporate
complexity categories: novice

The Secrets of Consulting: A Guide to Giving and Getting Advice Successfully

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cover image for 'The Secrets of Consulting: A Guide to Giving and Getting Advice Successfully'
bibliographical reference:
Weinberg, G. M. (1985) The Secrets of Consulting: A Guide to Giving and Getting Advice Successfully. Dorset House Publishing. isbn: 0932633013.

Stories from the life of a consultant, with detailed descriptions of how the author came to be a consultant, and practical tips on giving advice that is (perceived as) highly valuable. Includes such gems as: “whatever your client is doing, suggest they do the opposite”, and “be sure to ask for a high fee, so you are taken more seriously”.

complexity categories: advanced niche