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Below is an overview of content that matches the tag "bias".

Note that this list is not exhaustive, as it is automatically aggregated based on manually assigned categorizations.
If you notice a missing element, or think some of the items are wrongfully categorized, please create a bug/improvement ticket on our github issue tracker.

An overview of all tags used in this publication can be found in our tag list: go to overview

Patterns: bias

problem:Someone disagrees with you, and you have difficulties understanding why

description:Employ a method for identifying the root cause of disagreements by breaking down arguments into premises and consequences, promoting understanding and constructive dialogue.

Resources: bias

Thinking, Fast and Slow

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cover image for 'Thinking, Fast and Slow'
bibliographical reference:
Kahneman, D. (2011) Thinking, Fast and Slow. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. isbn: 978-0374275631.
complexity categories: novice