Pomodoro Focus

Pomodoro Focus
Author: Stijn Dejongh
Published on: 2023-08-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
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Problem statement

You are distracted by various inputs from your environment, causing you to not finish tasks you set out to do.


  • Your tasks get finished more often, or at least move to a point where (part of) the work can be considered “completed”.
  • Your days stop feeling like you are running all over the place without accomplishing much.
  • You feel less resistance to starting a task.


  • Set a timer1 for a fixed amount of time. This timebox is called a “pomodoro”.
    • Commonly, 25 minutes is used as a base value.
  • Distance yourself from all distractions, and work on one task until the timer notifies you.
  • After completing a time box, take a 5-minute break.
  • Set a new timer, and repeat.
  • After completing four iterations, take an extended break.

For tasks that require a long time to complete, decide beforehand how much time you will invest in it now. It helps to specify a specific amount of pomodoro timers that you will devote to working on the task. You stop when the task is done, or your time allocation runs out. Whichever comes first.

tip: The pomodoro technique works well if you split your tasks down into smaller chunks that can be accomplished within a single pomodoro.

Contextual forces


The following factors support effective application of the practice:

  • You wish to complete tasks to be best of your ability, and as fast as circumstances allow.
  • The tasks you perform require your attention, and take sufficiently long to achieve.
  • You can split your tasks into smaller parts, each adding some value on their own accord.
  • You have some autonomy on how you allocate your time.


The following factors prevent effective application of the practice:

  • Your main activity requires you to switch between various tasks quickly.
  • The tasks you are performing often take a few moments of your time and do not require focus.
  • Your environment rewards looking busy over being busy.


“The hardest part is getting started.” Reducing the resistance to start a task can help practitioners to overcome the inertia. The pomodoro technique aims to achieve this by introducing the reassurance that the end is in sight. Rather than committing to fully complete an endeavour, a practitioner is committing to work on a certain task for a fixed period of time.

Adding a certain element of gamification, and quantifiability, to the process helps motivate people to work towards their goals more frequently and consistently.


While the Pomodoro technique is highly effective for enhancing focus and productivity, it can also lead to some unintended challenges:

  • Disruption in Collaborative Environments: The focus on uninterrupted work periods may disrupt team dynamics, particularly if your pomodoro cycles are not synchronized with those of your colleagues. This can hinder spontaneous collaboration and reduce opportunities for creative exchanges.
  • Perceived Rudeness: By strictly adhering to the technique, you may unintentionally come across as unapproachable or uncooperative, especially if others feel their needs are being ignored during your focused work periods.
  • Overemphasis on Timers: While the timer is a central component of the Pomodoro technique, becoming too fixated on it can cause stress and diminish the natural flow of work. This could lead to a mechanical approach to tasks, where the quality of work might suffer.
  • Rigidity: The fixed intervals of work and breaks may not suit all tasks or working styles. Some tasks may require longer periods of uninterrupted focus, while others might be better suited to shorter, more flexible intervals.
  • Break Mismanagement: If breaks are not managed effectively, they can lead to procrastination or loss of momentum. While the 5-minute breaks are designed to recharge, they may not always be sufficient, potentially leading to fatigue if not extended when needed.

Mitigation Strategies

To maximize the effectiveness of the Pomodoro technique while minimizing potential downsides, consider the following strategies:

  • Maintain Flexibility: Adapt the length of your pomodoro sessions and breaks to suit the nature of the tasks at hand. For example, use longer work intervals for complex tasks that require deep focus, and shorter ones for simpler, routine tasks.
  • Communicate Clearly: Let your colleagues know when you’re in a focused pomodoro session and agree on how and when interruptions can be accommodated. This will help manage expectations and maintain good team dynamics.
  • Balance Focus with Collaboration: While it’s important to minimize distractions, don’t completely shut out opportunities for collaboration. Schedule time outside of pomodoro sessions for team discussions and spontaneous interactions to maintain a healthy balance.
  • Personalize the Technique: Adjust the technique to fit your personal working style. Some individuals might benefit from starting with a shorter pomodoro (e.g., 15 minutes) and gradually increasing the duration as they build focus and endurance.
  • Mindful Break Management: Use breaks wisely to ensure they serve their purpose of recharging you. If a 5-minute break feels too short, extend it to 10 or 15 minutes, especially after more intense work sessions, to avoid burnout.
  • Review and Adjust: Periodically review your use of the Pomodoro technique to see if it’s still serving your needs. If you find that it’s becoming more of a hindrance than a help, consider modifying or even pausing its use to explore other productivity methods.

By applying these strategies, you can tailor the Pomodoro technique to better fit your work environment and personal productivity needs, making it a more versatile and effective tool in your productivity toolkit.


Finishing a Complex Report

Emily was overwhelmed by the prospect of writing a complex report for her team. The report required deep concentration, thorough research, and careful wording. Feeling daunted by the task, she decided to try the Pomodoro technique to break the work into manageable pieces.

She set her timer for 25 minutes and focused solely on outlining the structure of the report during the first pomodoro. When the timer rang, she was surprised by how much she had accomplished. After a quick 5-minute break, she set the timer again and started drafting the introduction. Each pomodoro session brought her closer to completing the report, and the short breaks kept her mind fresh and focused.

By the end of the day, Emily had completed the entire report, reviewing and refining it during her last two pomodoros. What initially seemed like a daunting task was made manageable by breaking it down into focused intervals. Not only did she finish the report on time, but she also felt a sense of accomplishment, knowing she had used her time efficiently and effectively.

A command line pomodoro timer

If you do not have a mechanical timer available, you can use your computer’s terminal to act the part. The script below, published by Byron Salty on GitHub is an excellent way of doing this. On MacBooks, the say command makes your computer talk to you.


if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  let min=25 
  let min=$1
echo "Waiting ${min} minutes"

for i in $(seq 1 $min)
  sleep 60  
  let rem=min-i
  echo -ne "${rem} minutes remaining\\r"
echo ""

msg="Pomodoro completare"
echo $msg
say -v Luca $msg

  1. Old-school kitchen timers in the shape of a tomato are where this technique got its name. The Italian word for “tomato” being “pomodoro”↩︎