Below is an overview of content that matches the tag "architecture".
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description:Converting system characteristics into a structured solution that meets the technical and the business expectations.
Millet and Tune are some of the forerunners in the field of Domain-Driven Design, an architectural approach that aims to further allign business concepts and their technical implementation. The authors focus on the core concepts of a domain-driven system development approach, and offer practical advice to the reader on how to apply the principles and ideas in their daily endeavours. As the book dives deep into advanced concepts, it is advisable to pick this up later in your journey, after you have gained experience working on real systems.
In “Design It,” author Michael Keeling provides valuable insights into the essential responsibilities of a software architect.
Through the lens of a hypothetical project, readers embark on a journey through various project stages.
The book strikes a balance between theoretical knowledge, practical methodologies, and a profound exploration of guiding principles.
Keeling skilfully conveys the pivotal role of a software architect, highlighting their ability to bridge the gap between the business’s requirements,
the technical team’s needs, and the broader operational context. “Design It” offers readers a comprehensive understanding of software architecture,
making it a valuable resource for programmers aspiring to become adept software architects, as well as for experienced architects wishing to refresh
their knowledge of modern techniques.
What is the best way to organize your team? How can you ensure that your team is set up for success?
Is there a way to structure your team that will allow for fast flow of work?
In Team Topologoes, the authors evolve the idea behind DevOps Topologies into a model for or organizational design.
Based on the idea that the structure of your team will influence the flow of work, the authors present a model
to design team boundaries and communication lines based on the need for interaction between the teams.
The authors suggest four essential team types and three interaction models, and present multiple real-world cases where the topologies approach was used to great effect.
This book is a recommended read for anyone interested in team dynamics, organizational design, and the flow of work within corporate settings.