
Ontdek bewezen praktische strategieën die anderen geholpen hebben.

Net zoals bij concepten, draagt het delen van methodes bij aan het creëren van een gedeeld begrip. Het kan nuttig zijn voor groepen om methodes bij naam te vermelden, wat een efficiëntere communicatie mogelijk maakt. Zonder een duidelijke beschrijving van hun betekenis kan het gebruik van jargonwoorden echter verwarring en misverstanden veroorzaken.

Om je te helpen met het vinden van praktijken die je ondersteunen bij jouw specifieke uitdagingen, bevat elke methode een omschrijving van de context waarin je haar kan gebruiken. Deze context wordt beschreven als ondersteuners and tegenwerkers. Deze geven aan onder welke omstandigheden het beschreven patroon goed werkt, en wanneer het dat net niet doet. Let op deze factoren bij het lezen van onderstaande patronen om het beste resultaat te verkrijgen.

Structuur van een patroon:

Elk van de patronen gaat vergezeld van een verzameling tags en categoriën, deze helpen je gerelateerde leerbronnen, technieken, en concepten te vinden. Bovendien is elk patroon gescoord op de verschillende aspecten van de AMMERSE framework. Deze op waarde gebaseerde beoordeling is bedoeld om de impact van het patroon op verschillende aspecten van je werk en leven te verduidelijken.\
Denk geregeld na over de effectiviteit van de technieken die je gebruikt. Maak aanpassingen waar nodig, om de methodes beter af te stemmen op jouw voorkeuren en noden. Op die manier verbeter je de resultaten die je zal behalen, en behoud je de postieve veranderingen zonder afbreuk te doen aan je levenskwaliteit.
Als je op de hoogte wil blijven van toevoegingen aan deze methodes, kan je onze RSS feed toevoegen aan je favoriete reader.

problem:You want to ensure balanced and well-informed decision-making that aligns with desired (organizational) core values.

description:Apply an AMMERSE-based analysis to evaluate the likely impact of decisions, practices, and techniques on the system under change.

Build your knowledge portfolio

Build your knowledge portfolio

Take stock, Evaluate, and Invest wisely.

problem:Knowledge workers often struggle to effectively allocate their learning efforts, leading to underutilised skills, outdated knowledge, and missed opportunities for growth.

description:Apply a structured approach for regularly assessing and balancing personal knowledge portfolios, enabling informed decisions on where to invest time and effort for maximum growth.

problem:You are learning a wealth of new information, but find it difficult to keep an overview of what you know.

description:Draw a map of the concepts you know, in order to deepen your understanding.

problem:You have an idea and want to strengthen it against negative forces.

description:Proactively challenge your ideas by identifying potential failure points, prioritizing them by impact, and developing strategies to mitigate the most critical risks, thereby strengthening your ideas against unforeseen challenges.

problem:You have troubles learning new skills or techniques, as you are afraid it will be more trouble than it's worth.

description:Lower the stakes by reframing your goals, creating an experimental mindset, and sharing your findings.

problem:You find it hard to apply a new skill or idea in your daily life.

description:Practice. Rinse, and repeat. Then practice some more.

problem:You often struggle with deciding what to do next, feeling uncertain about which choice would be most beneficial for you.

description:Use a systematic framework to make informed decisions by evaluating your resources — Support, Time, Energy, Attention, and Money.

problem:You find yourself constantly busy, yet achieving little of value.

description:Assign a priority category to tasks based on their urgency and importance. Act depending on priority category.

problem:You find it difficult to remember what you want to achieve, and are distraught by the amount of tasks you have yet to finish.

description:Implement a personalized workflow to organize, prioritize, and complete tasks

problem:You are distracted by various inputs from your environment, causing you to not finish tasks you set out to do.

description:Use tomato-based timers to stay focussed on the task at hand.

problem:You tend to push too hard trying to reach a goal, or invest more than you can support.

description:Put a hard limit on how much you are willing to invest into a certain endeavour.

problem:There are not enough hours in a day, you have many small tasks that you never get around to doing.

description:Reclaim otherwise wasted moments by using them to complete small, useful tasks. By preparing for these lulls with a list of quick, actionable tasks, individuals can make better use of their time and avoid procrastination."

problem:How do you make structured progress towards a specific overarching goal?

description:Orientate, Prepare, Execute, Reflect, Adapt, Synthesize

problem:You want to reduce the impact of being pulled out of your flow.

description:Delegate memory tasks to an external system to reduce cognitive load, maintain focus, and improve task management.

problem:Someone disagrees with you, and you have difficulties understanding why

description:Build up your argument one step at a time, and see where your opinions differ

problem:Assessing a candidate's skills and experience during an interview using traditional knowledge-based questions often leads to researched and rehearsed answers.

description:Employ a behavioural questioning method, to conduct more conversational interviews, and enticing candid and truthful responses.

problem:You have difficulties connecting with others, and find yourself disengaged during conversations.

description:Shift from responding to truly comprehending what the other person is saying, leading to more meaningful interactions.

problem:People tend to wait for responses to chat messages before stating what they want, causing unneeded distractions.

description:Write your messages with enough context for the recipient to prioritize them, keeping in mind they will be read and acted upon when it best suits your conversational partner.

problem:You are spending much more time and mental effort on a piece of software than is needed or valuable.

description:Write readable code that is as well-designed as it needs to be at this point in time.

problem:Badly defined test boundaries can lead to tests that are too broad, too narrow, or too fragile. This results in tests that are difficult to maintain, provide little value, or break easily.

description:Defining test boundaries based on the functionality and responsibilities of a system, rather than its structural or architectural layers, leads to more meaningful, maintainable, and effective tests.

problem:Invalid input data causing your software to crash midway through its execution is expensive, both in terms of processing power and resolution time.

description:Validate input data before processing to avoid unnecessary resource consumption and ensure efficient error handling.

problem:You are experiencing difficulty in keeping track of which changes have been made to your project.

description:Keep a running log, close to the code, of changes made to the application.

problem:Developers struggle to maintain code consistency, negatively affecting code maintainability and reliability.

description:Maintaining a consistent coding style within a team, using automation and documentation to enforce it.

problem:You are looking for ways to enhance productivity by reducing meeting time, interruptions, and communication overhead.

description:Write minimally viable documentation to assist in decision tracking, context understanding, and effective stakeholder communication.